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Feeling run around.

I’m  having one of those days where every SINGLE person around me is annoying me. I know it’s not them,,I think  it’s because I’m stressing about a few things.

1. My job transfer,,,I think I’m getting the run around. We have transfer request forms at work. So I fill one of those babies out, hand it into Personnel, speak to the personnel mgr, wait a few days , call leave a message to said personnel mgr, no answer.

Yesterday, I went into work only to find out I’m not scheduled to work,,,argghhh. I tell myself no biggie,,,take the opportunity to go in and see if the personnel mgr has any answers.

I’m told by the personel mgr,,that I need to get in touch with the store I want to want to transfer too and see if they have any jobs available. (Ok,,what’s the Job Transfer forms for?). And until that time the store mgr will NOT sign the transfer form.

Ok, I call the personnel mgr at the store I would like to transfer too, let me point out that I originally started my career with this company at this store.

I’m told that I need to fill out a Transfer Request Form at my current store!!!!!! Double ARGGGHHH!!!  see my frustration??  I explain my situation and I’m told yes,,they have positions for what I’m looking for. And to get the transfer form filled out and signed by the Store Mgr and District Mgr,,at the store that I’m currently at.

I call back to my store,,,of course get the voice mail of the personnel mgr. I leave a msg,,,and at this moment,,,I am still waiting for a return call,,,but,,I know for almost absolute certainty that I won’t get a return call. I plan to go into work AGAIN this evening and fill out the transfer request form again with a note that I spoke to the other store and that yes, they do have positions and to please get this form signed!

I am trying to be patient and not to drop the gun and over react and go back to my old way of thinking that “everyone is out to get me and make me unhappy”.  I am implementing my CBT lessons, using the What If, questions and answers:

What’s the worst that can happen? I can be told that the store mgr, or district mgr still won’t sign my transfer forms.

What is the likely hood that this will happen? Probably not that high, eventually it will work it’s self out after all,,I have been told and have seen it documented in my work file that I am an exemplorary employee, with no written warnings.

What is my plan if my worst fear happens: To ask why? and if not acceptable to me,,to take the issue to a higher authority,,at Home Office.

See,,,should be easy right?? Still I worry!

2. I’m also worrying about my upcoming court appearance next wednesday for my charge of driving Driving without Insurance. I have been in contact with the Canadian Mental Health Assoc. Court Diversion person. And they have told me to bring a letter from my Dr. stating my psychological state during the time my insurance got cancelled, and with my perfect driving record the charge should be dropped. Still I worry.

I also have concerns about dizzy spells that I have been having and I have noticed that I’m having bouts of really Happy feelings and then feeling Down feelings every few days.  Because I have gone down to part-time I have lost my medical insurance and my health subsidy still has not arrived, I have not been able to afford one of my really expensive drugs, so I haven’t been taking it for about 6 weeks. Add to that I can’t get to my psychiatrist because I am now not driving because I can’t afford insurance,,it’s all OVERWHELMING.

I’m walking to my General Dr.’s office today to speak to him about getting the note for the courts,,and I will mention my feelings that I am experiencing,,,,but I know he will tell me that I need to get in and see my Psychiatrist,,,sigh,,,

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