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Canadian Gurl Bucket List


Since my diagnosis earlier this year, and with the treatment/medication and counselling I’ve had. I can honestly say that I am beginning to see a glimmer of the old me from years ago, and that’s a good thing :)

And after reading the book Eat Pray Love, I’ve realized that I need to make myself a Bucket List,,,10 months ago, this wouldn’t be possible. I would’ve just rather’d of gone to my room and buried myself in my bed and cry. Sooo, just being able to making this list,,for me is a great feat!

So here it is (drum roll please).

1. To go back to school and get my Dental Assistant Certificate (again),,this one I’m actually working on,,that is if the god damn school would actually start the course.

2. Get a good paying job at above Profession,,,that will allow for me to take time off at times to travel.

3. Move into a nice Condo/Apt. on Lake Simcoe,,in Barrie, Ont. (working on that one,too,,planning to move to Barrie,,by Sept).

4. I want to Travel to England,Scotland and Ireland. To see where my ancestors came from, but most of all to go to the location of my most favorite English show,,,,,CORONATION STREET!!!!!

5. I’d also like to Travel to France, Italy, Greece, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand.

6. When I do my travelling to these Countries, I’d like to meet my fellow Bloggers,,,that I follow!

7. To do a Cooking Network, Eat Here/Diner,Drive In’s& Dives, You Gotta Eat Here,,,tour thru the U.S & Canada

8. When I go to the CNE (The Canadian Exhibition),,,to sit all day if I want,,and watch the Food Network stars, and shows (gonna do that one this year for sure!)

9. When I retire I am going to become a Snow Bird,,and spend 5 months of the year living in a beautiful condo, in my most favourite Mexican City,,Puerto Vallarta

10. To make a little bit of Moola, from my Blogs to be able to add to my travelling abroat bank account.

I’m sure I have more,,,and I will add them,,when I think of them.

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